A lasting legacy of gorgeous landscapes.


Since the dawn of time, humans have relentlessly pursued the cultivation of a better world — driven forward by a deep need to make something of this place.

This ambition finds its foundations in two beliefs. The first is a belief that the spaces we live in shape us in profound ways. The second is the belief that people are healthier and happier when their lives move more freely between the indoors and the natural environment right outside their door.

Many people long for these profound outdoor experiences, but they don’t know how exactly to get there. For this reason, the Hyvioup team embodies a deep empathy for their clients. We want you to feel genuinely heard and understood during the design process. With an acute appreciation for how exceptional design affects us, we go beyond shaping your landscape — we shape your lifestyle.

As trust is built with our clients, our meticulous craftsmen pay disciplined attention to even the most delicate of details. Every landscape is executed flawlessly, built to exacting standards and backed up with an unparalleled warranty. The Hyvioup experience is unforgettable because, in today's world, this kind of attention to detail has been all but forgotten.

As we’ve discovered new territory in residential landscape design and construction, we’ve garnered the profession's most coveted awards along the way. But it's the lives that have been enriched and elevated as a result of our work that we celebrate.

Today, Hyvioup continues to remove barriers and facilitate a freer movement of life from indoors to outdoors and back in again.

After all, we’ve only begun to explore what kind of experiences are awaiting us.

About Juergen About Juergen About Juergen
About Juergen